Every vine grower's dream

Close to the Uruguayan Atlantic coast and 160 meters above sea level, the vine was planted in a privileged native land imprinting a unique, inimitable personality on our grapes which, along with a temperate weather and the organic practices developed in plantations, allows for each wine to reflect the authentic personality of the Garzón terroir.

Geology in the Garzón area belongs to what is known as Crystalline Basement, which gave origin to the oldest soils in the planet over 2500 million years ago. When those rocks are altered and broken down through million years of geology, a fantastic soil of weathered rock is formed, called Ballast.
Atlantic influence
Another key element of our terroir is the strong influence of the Atlantic Ocean, which is only 18 km away. This leads to a steady, pleasant fresh breeze that caresses our vines, an effect noticed in our wines.

Over 1000 plots
Being different, each plot has its own microclimate, different orientations, varied levels of humidity, sun exposure and of soil characteristics, producing small vineyards of incredible biodiversity within them, including indigenous forests and natural palm trees.

Our Harvests
Grapes are hand-picked at optimum ripeness. Hand selecting bunches guarantees that the grapes to be fermented will be of the utmost quality. The vinification process minimizes any possible intervention for maximum conservation of the typical characteristics of Garzon's native land.