Uruguay language: discover the authentic uruguayan slang

Uruguay language: discover the authentic uruguayan slang

Each country has its own way of speaking that characterizes its inhabitants and is part of the culture. There are phrases or expressions that help to generate identification and feel part of the same culture. Here we have the most recognized uruguayan slang of the Uruguay lenguage.

The Uruguayan slangs, a form of identification

Uruguay is a country with a strong division established between the countryside and the city. More than half of the population is in the capital of the country, Montevideo; while the rest is distributed in various departments of the interior. In this report we will see some popular Uruguay lenguage and uruguayan slang both in the countryside and in the city.

Uruguay language, Uruguay slang

“A caballo regalado no se le miran los dientes” or textual translation from uruguay language “A gift horse in the teeth not look”.
It is a phrase that indicates that the gifts received are not criticized even we don’t like it.

“A llorar al cuartito” or textual translation from uruguay language “Go cry to the little room”
This expression is used by the parents to their children and that means, although they fight for something that they consider it should be done, the last word, always is from the parents and that is undisputed.

“Andá a cantarle a Gardel” or textual translation from uruguay language”Go and sing to Gardel”
Someone who was discovered after lying or someone  whose lie is suspected.

“Al pan, pan y al vino, vino” or textual translation from uruguay language “To the bread, bread and to wine, wine”
This expression refers to frankness. Something said with truth.

“Cayó piedra sin llover” or textual translation from uruguay language”It fell stone without rain”.
Expression that refers when unexpectedly arrive several people to a certain place.

“Chupate esa mandarina” or textual translation from uruguay language “Suck that Tangerine”.
This expression is used to express surprise.

“Como perro en bote” or textual translation from uruguay language”Like a dog in a boat”.
Sentence used to refer to someone is scared, afraid.

“Sos hijo del vidriero?” or textual “Are you the son of the glassmaker?”
Ironically question that is made to a person to take off from a place.

“Cortita y al pie” or textual translation from uruguay language”Short and to the foot”
It is used to simplify an idea.

“Despacito y por las piedras” or textual translation from uruguay language”Slowly by stones”
It is a expression that means that you should not rush to make a decision.

“Difícil que el chancho chifle” or textual translation from uruguay language “It’s difficult the pig whistles”
Expression used to express the difficulty of carrying out an idea or the impossibility of something happening.

“Es lo que hay” or textual translation from uruguay language”It’s what it is, courage”
Expression used to express that there is nothing better and the person must conform.

“A la cabeza que no renguea” or textual “A head that no limps”
In soccer, it is used when a player simulates an injury.

“Lo atamos con alambre” or textual “Tie it with wire”
This phrase is used to demonstrate the abilities to solve a problem without all the necessary tools to make it.

“Sarna con gusto, no pica” or textual translation from uruguay language “Scabies with taste does not itch”
Expression used when someone performs an action that he likes, but that brings consequences.





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